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{{ blog.title }}

{% assign layout_type = conf.sections | getValue: 'blog.settings.layout', 'list' %} {% if layout_type == 'grid' %}
{% else %}
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  • {{post.title}}

    {% assign blog_show_author = conf.sections | getValue: 'blog.settings.blog_show_author', true %} {% if blog_show_author %} {% endif %} {% assign blog_show_date = conf.sections | getValue: 'blog.settings.blog_show_date', true %} {% if blog_show_date %} {% endif %} {% if post.image and post.image.src %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ post.body_html | getTextFromHtml | reduceString: 200) }}
    {% if post.tags and post.tags.length > 0 %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% assign show_payment_icons = conf.sections | getValue: 'footer.settings.show_payment_icons', true %} {% if show_payment_icons %} {% endif %}
© {{ "now" | date: "%Y" }}, {{ page.shopName }}
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