Vinyl Tablecloth FAQs
When do vinyl tablecloths have seams and panels?
Vinyl tablecloth rolls are 54" wide. Hence any tablecloths wider than 54" will have a seam and panel. The following is applicable for our many of our vinyl tablecloths:
- Table Cloth size - 55" wide or diameter up to 60" wide will have 1 side panel
- Tablecloth size 61" wide or diameter up to 70" wide will have 2 side panels
- Tablecloths size 71" wide or diameter up to 96" wide will have a center seam
Please contact us to find out about panels and seams for your tablecloths.
How many vinyl tablecloths can be made from a 25-yard roll?
A 25-yard roll when professionally cut, can make approximately:
- 52" x 52" table covers - 17 quantity
- 52" x 72" table covers - 12 quantity
- 52" x 90" table covers - 10 quantity
How to clean and care for vinyl tablecloths?
Vinly is waterproof but it can stain. Take precautions against staining by spraying your new vinyl tablecloth with Rust-Oleum NeverWet. Let it set for 24 hours before using. Read and follow instructions.
- Clean spills with warm soapy water and several clear water rinses.
- Use a medium bristle brush and moderate scrubbing to remove soiling agents embedded in textured surfaces.
- Read labels for commercial cleaning products before using to be sure they are recommended for vinyl.
- Test commercial cleaners in an inconspicuous spot before using.
- Use full-strength rubbing alcohol or bleach diluted with water to remove stains when the above suggestions do not work.
- Be gentle if using “soft scrub” type cleanser.
- Use abrasive powders, steel wool, or industrial strength cleaners. They cause glossy surfaces to become dull.
- Use household cleaners without testing them first. Many can damage or discolor vinyl products.
- Use dry cleaning fluids and lacquer solvents. They may remove printed patterns or disturb the surface.
- Use wax on vinyl fabrics because they may contain dyes that will cause permanent stains.
How to remove stains from vinyl tablecloths?
Some stains will set if they are not removed immediately. Others may be removed with specific techniques described below:
Ballpoint ink.
Ink spots usually stain vinyl products permanently, but much of the stain may be removed by wiping immediately with rubbing alcohol. -
Surface mildew.
Wash with a bleach solution of one tablespoon of bleach to a quart of water, then rinse several times with clear water. -
Tar, asphalt.
Remove immediately. Lengthy contact will cause a permanent stain. To clean, use a cloth dampened with kerosene or mineral spirits, rub gently from outside of stain to center. This will prevent the stain from spreading. Rinse with soap and water. -
Chewing gum, car grease, shoe polish.
Scrape off as much as possible (chewing gum will come off more easily if rubbed with an ice cube). Use mineral spirits to remove the remainder. Shoe polish should be removed immediately as it contains a dye which can cause permanent staining.
How to measure vinyl tablecloths?
You do the Measurements, We'll do the Math. Click a cover style below for specifics on how to measure.
How to measure DRAPED table covers for rectangular and square tables?
- Measure the width of the table, then the length in inches (examples: 24” x 42” or 24” x 24”) Specify optional umbrella holes.
- We add an 8” drop to all draped covers

How to measure DRAPED table covers for round tables?
- For round tables, measure from side to side across the middle of the table. (example: 30”) Specify optional umbrella holes.
- We add an 8” drop to all draped covers

How to measure FITTED table covers for rectangular and square tables?
- Measure the width of the table, then the length in inches (examples: 24” x 42” or 24” x 24”) Specify optional umbrella holes.
- We add an 6” drop to all fitted covers

How to measure FITTED table covers for round tables?
- For round tables, measure from side to side across the middle of the table. (example: 30”) Specify optional umbrella holes.
- We add an 6” drop to all fitted covers

How to measure “To The Floor” table covers for rectangular and square tables?
- For covers that drape to the floor, measure taple top and measure from the top of table to the floor. Specify optional umbrella holes.

How to measure “To The Floor” table covers for round tables?
- For covers that drape to the floor, measure taple top and measure from the top of table to the floor. Specify optional umbrella holes.

How to measure tablecloths for BOOTHS attached to a wall?
- For booths attached to wall measure the width of the table, then the length in inches from wall examples: 24” x 42”)
- Specify optional umbrella holes or Velcro
- We add an 8” drop (3 sides) to all booth covers

How to measure ELASTIC FIT table covers for rectangular and square tables?
- Measure the width of the table, then the length in inches (examples: 24” x 42” or 24” x 24”). Specify optional umbrella holes.
- These cloths are made to accommodate a table thickness of up to 1 1/2”

How to measure ELASTIC FIT table covers for round tables?
- Measure from side to side across the middle of the table. (example: 30”) Specify optional umbrella holes.
- These cloths are made to accommodate a table thickness of up to 1 1/2”

How to measure table toppers rectangular and square tables?
- Measure the width of the table, then the length in inches (examples: 24” x 42” or 24” x 24”)

How to measure table toppers for round tables?
- For round tables, measure from side to side across the middle of the table. (example: 30”)

How to measure table runners for rectangular and square tables?

- Measure the length of the table.
- Determine how wide you want the runner to be—12”, 16” or 24”.
- add an 8” drop to all table runners